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  • June 2, 2013


The Wrong Way to Build a Mobile Business Website

4 Problems a New Business Web Design Can’t Fix

There isn’t much a new business website can’t do for your company. In fact, if you meet with a company like ours, you’re sure to hear about increased sales, better search engine positioning, the potential to find new customers via the Internet, and so much more. This isn’t just a big pile of marketing hype – most web designers want your business, but we also get excited about the possibilities that exist once we start working for our clients.

It should be noted, however, that there are a few things that a new business website can’t fix, no matter how badly you or we want them to. If you have one of the four problems below, it’s a good idea to resolve them before you work on a new web presence, since you’ll be a lot more successful in the long run:

terrible product

You have a terrible product. The first rule of business is that you have to sell something people want. Unfortunately, we do come across the rare business owner who has a product or service that just isn’t up to par and hopes that a better website will bail them out. It might in the short term, but eventually quality always wins out, so take care of any of those issues first.

bad service

Your reputation for customer service is awful. In the same way, if people just plain don’t like buying from you, then going online isn’t going to make a big difference. Regardless of how your reputation got tarnished, or whether it was deserved or not, don’t expect a redesigned website to change people’s minds quickly.

new competitor

A new competitor has come to your area. Sometimes, having a new competitor in the area or industry can drive a company to be more aggressive than it was in the past and grow the business. Unfortunately, it can also lead people to “fix what isn’t broken.” There are almost always improvements to be made to an older business website, but don’t throw away what’s working just because someone else opened up shop.


Your business is deeply unprofitable. Again, a new website can help you grow your business, but if it’s on its last legs, then a “Hail Mary” online marketing plan could make things worse. That’s because it often takes time to get a new site up and running; the last thing you or your web designer needs is the added pressure of a sea of red ink.

can't fix

For all that we love about the business web design and online marketing process, our reputable team doesn’t want to be hired for the wrong reasons. If your business is suffering from one of these problems, that doesn’t necessarily mean you shouldn’t get a new site, just that you shouldn’t count on it to fix things right away.

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